I deeply believe that we all have the strength to find our answers and discover how to be kind to ourselves. In a safe, open and non-judgemental space, I assist you to be compassionate to yourself and lead a fulfilling and meaningful life. I am willing to be your team-mate, 100% on your side. I will walk beside you when you need support and encouragement on your journey. Focus areas: Our work focuses on any of various issues you bring, not limited to. It may include personal growth, life transitions, career, anxiety, depression, addiction, mental health conditions, relationship difficulties, trauma, grief, sexual identity, gender, body image, self-care, self-esteem and cross-cultural issues. Main Approaches: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Mindfulness, Body-oriented Therapy, Multicultural Counseling, etc. Qualifications: Certified Clinical Psychologist, Certified Public Psychologist, E-RYT 200 (Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher 200 hour)
Accredited by Foundation of the Japanese Board for Clinical Psychologists
Associations Japan Center for Professional Psychologists